Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Resolution Recharge is Here!

So how is everyone doing with their New Years Resolutions? Are you struggling to stay on track? Well don't beat yourself up over it, your in the majority. If you're going strong, that's FANTASTIC! Either way, I have some good news for you. This coming Friday the 3rd will be your chance to re-energize your body and mind to make the lasting changes you want. This Friday, RESOLUTION RECHARGE begins! This is a month long event filled to the brim with mini challenges, healthy recipes, prizes and more! Each weekday starting on Friday you can expect to see something exciting on here to keep you pumped. And to participate fully in the challenge here are the details...

To qualify, you must...
1. Commit to coming to one Fit Fast class per week. (Check out the drop in classes tab for details)
2. Come to class either this Friday or the following Monday (6th)  early and have your body fat percentage taken (it's just a number don't freak out!) I'll be at Kinkora anytime after 6:30 or again after the 8:15 class.
3. Participate in a 6 minute fit test on either Friday or Monday. This will be part of the workout for the day.  

At the end of the month the person who improves on their fit test the most and the person who improves their body fat % will both win a prize! Up for grabs is my favorite workout tool...

Prize #2 is two free months of fit fast classes. So make sure you come to every class to take full advantage!

I cannot wait to get started with this and stick with me through this month and you'll see some great results! Even if you can't come to the class to be part of the prize action, make sure you check in for a month long motivating extravaganza!

P.S. make sure to leave a comment if you're participating with me!

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