Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Resolution Recharge Day 6!

We're getting close to finishing off the first week of Resolution Recharge. How has everyone been doing? Today we're going to talk about goals ( I know at least half of you rolled your eyes, but bear with me!). It is so important to know why your doing something. To say you want to lose weight to look smokin in your bathing suit come July may be enough for some people but for most it's just simply not enough motivation to get the results you want. It is really important critical to have some well thought out reasons for why your busting your butt and saying no to life's dietary temptations. To give you an idea of where to go with this, here are my reasons for doing what I do.

I want to look great in a bathing suit but the real motivation here, is that I want to be comfortable in my own skin. I don't want feelings of self-consciousness to hold me back from living any part of my life.

I want to be strong enough to take care of Isaac (my special needs son who is wheelchair bound) for as long as possible. (i.e. functional fitness!) Along with this, is that I want to be the mom at the park who is playing with her kids, not just watching them from a bench.

I want to be free from addictions to food that are harmful to my health. A cookie occasionally is fine but eating the whole cookie jar...not so much.

I want to push myself beyond what I think I am capable of. God has blessed me with good physical health and I never want to take that for granted. I don't want to set limitations on what I can do if I put my mind to it. (Future Marathon perhaps?)

So now that I've given you some examples of what motivates me, I want to hear what motivates you. Go around the house and put up pictures or sticky notes at critical places (the fridge, bathroom mirror) to give you daily visual reminders of why your coming to my class and busting your butt or getting out for that walk in the pouring rain...

And just for fun, do a squat hold for as long as you can and let me know your time..

Get into a squat position and hold it, the more parallel your upper thighs are to the ground, the more difficult it will be. Make sure your toes aren't going over your knees as well.

See you tomorrow!

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