Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Move It Monday!

Well I'm sad to say that I was hit by a bug this past weekend and am just now getting around to posting this weeks Move It Monday article.  As promised though, the next few weeks will be focusing on exercises using your dining room or office chair.  So today we're going to start off with the Tricep Dip! There's no need to have a fancy dip station in order to get killer triceps. As long as you use proper form, you can get amazing results with just your own body weight and a chair.

So first things first. Always begin with your legs in towards your body as shown in the first picture. This is the easier option. Make sure that your butt and back are no more than an inch away from the seat of your chair.

Lower your body towards the ground while bending at the elbows. Make sure that your arms elbows are going straight back and not chicken winging to the sides:)  Stop when your upper arm is approximately parallel with the ground. If you can't make it that far, lower only as far as your ability to come back up. 

 As you progress, slowly start to walk your legs out until you can handle them fully extended like so... This is very challenging and if in the beginning you can only do a few, don't be discouraged just do your best and modify back down to the first position.
 Again when you lower you are almost to the ground with your upper arms parallel to the floor. 

So start with 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps and you'll have well defined triceps in no time flat!

Have a great night, and check back for tool talk thursday!


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