Monday, February 7, 2011

Move It Monday!

Phew, I barely eked this one out in time. We've definitely been moving it today at the Bruneski household. Today we celebrated our youngest son Cade's 3rd birthday. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown. But now onto other important things! Our move to day is a fantastic core strength move. So often when we work out we focus on the larger muscle groups, the ones we can really see in the mirror. However for our day to day functional strength needs, the underlying supporting muscles can really come up short. This exercise while looking quite simple, if done correctly can really give your body a challenge.

I'd love for you to meet...

The Dead Bug! 

Start with your legs up,knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Take a deep breath and press your lower back into the mat.

Raise your arms up.
 Slowly lower one leg down towards the ground. If you start to feel your lower back lift from the mat, stop and bring your leg back up. Your goal is to get your heel to the mat.
 Return to the start position and switch legs

 For a more advanced progression, lower your opposite arm to the floor simultaneously as you lower your leg. Again, stop and return to the top position if your back starts to lift from the mat.
 In a smooth motion, switch arm and leg when you get back to the top.
 Eventually aim to have both your arm and your leg fully extended!
Enjoy giving this one a try and let me know what you think!


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