Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back in the hospital so here come the challenges!

Hmm, so I tried  the scheduled post thingy on here but I appeared to have an operator error since I've looked now and it's not here! So anyways, this is what should have posted yesterday!

Isaac and I are stuck in the hospital and I'm still working out so you have no excuses Challenge #1

Make sure you warm up for a few minutes before begining. Set your timer for 10 minutes and perform as many rounds as you can manage. Make sure to grab a scrap of paper and record your #'s

1. 30 jumping jacks
2. 20 crunches
3. 10 push-ups

Time to cool down and stretch. Easy but you'll be sweating I swear!

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Whew...just finished this - much harder than it seems - particularly the crunches. I managed to get 7 sets if I counted right! Thanks for the motivation. What a great little exercise when you are finding it hard to get in a full one. 10 minutes can be part of any day! Hope Isaac is doing well. Will be praying!
