Monday, January 17, 2011

Introducing Move It Mondays!

Happy Monday Everyone!
Today marks the start of Lighten Up Fitness's Monday Feature: Move It Monday!
Each Monday, I'll be bringing you a different strength training move to help whip you into shape. To kick off this feature we'll be doing the plie squat. This power move is awesome for tightening up your backside as well as those inner and outer thighs! So away we go!

 Starting Position: Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, toes pointed out and an angle.
 Lower your body into a squat position making sure that your toes don't go over your knees. Holding a weight is optional. Beginners should start just with their body weight.
Make sure that your backside is really sticking out:) Keep you back straight.  Push up through your heels and return to a stand. This is one rep. Have fun!

Have a delightful day and we'll see you Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Can I try this on Tuesday? I'm just so comfy in my pajamas. But tomorrow I'm starting my new Sarah fitness regime :)
