Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lets do an exercise challenge!

It's Tuesday and I think all the kids are heading back to school this week. Sydney my middle kidlet is heading off to Kindergarten and is beyond excited. All of this translated, means a tight squeeze for time and fitting in exercise. It's amazing what mini exercise sessions can do. So be on the lookout this week for my mini exercise challenges. Each one will be 5 minutes long and designed to give your metabolism a boost. Make sure you do a light warm-up before beginning and a stretch after.

So here's your exercise challenge for today...

Set your timer for 5 minutes and complete as many reps as possible during the time with proper form. If your form starts to slip, take a small break and then jump back in.

So here's what they look like. Also get used to seeing this outfit over the next few months. I convinced my WONDERFUL husband to head to the park with me and take pictures of different moves so I'll have lots to show you over the fall and winter:)
Imagine there is a pole to the left of you and your job is to squat down and shift under it, standing up on the other  side:)

Start in a standing position

Start lowering into a squat while at the same time, shifting your weight to the side.

Once thighs are parallel to the ground, shift the weight onto your other foot.

Slide your body so your weight is completely on the other foot.

And finish in the stand. Repeat this sequence going the other direction. 

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