Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hello Wednesday!

So having given up on prescheduled posts for this week, you'll have to rely on my shoddy memory to get these up and running:)

Here's our next challenge. It's raining in Vancouver today but I'm still going to head out onto the patio and get my workout in so be sure to carve out 15-20 minutes and get this challenge in.

Isaac and I are in the hospital and I'm still working out so you have no excuses challenge #2

Upper Body Time Challenge Blast

warm up with some jogging on the spot and arm rotations for a few minutes. Set your stopwatch and see how fast you can complete the following two exercises alternating between each exercise.

5 sets of 10 reps of push-ups (wall, knees, or toes)
5 sets of 10 reps of pike presses (see pictures)

 Start on all fours with arms and legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart

 Slowly start to bend at the elbows and lower head towards the ground. Your goal is to touch your head to the ground but go down only as far as you can bring yourself back up.

 Once at the bottom, reverse the motion back up. This is one rep.

 Side view: Make sure to keep your abs engaged and back as flat as possible. The closer your arms are to your feet, the more challenging the exercise.

See how fast you can get through all 5 rounds of each exercise and let me know your time!


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