Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tool Talk Thursday!

Good Morning all!  Today I'm continuing on with the basics that I feel will help you get the most out of your workouts whether you're doing them at home or at a gym.

Today's product is the gymboss interval timer. I love, love, love this product! Literally I don't do a workout without it. Unfortunately you can't buy it locally as far as I can tell and I haven't come across a comparable product in stores. 

So here's the dealio... This little guy is useful for every workout from running to flexibility to interval training. Head over to for all the specs.  I mainly use it for the interval function although the stopwatch function is used often too! If it doesn't seem like I'm speaking english, this is what it really does. Lets' say you want to do some speed training for a run.  You can set the timer to beep to indicate when you should sprint, and also when you should pull back. You can also set it for as many rounds as you'd like. In the picture above, I would be doing six rounds of ten second sprints and a thirty second slower paced recovery jog.  You can set the timer to beep at you , vibrate, or a combo of both. 

In reality you could use a digital watch but I found that for the short interval times, I was spending way to much energy focusing on the watch instead of my workout. So for the $19.99. This is a definite top pick of mine!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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