We've found the new location for our Spring and Summer Fit Fast classes. Starting this Friday April 13th we'll be at 46100 Chilliwack Central. There's a field located at the back right side of Central Community Church and that's where you'll find us. All the details are on the drop-in classes link!
The Flu has hit our house and I'm the last one standing (for now!) Since DH is away I'm left to look after the kidlets. So instead of starting back up after Easter tonight as planned we'll be starting on Friday. Not to leave you hanging though, here's a 20 minute workout you can get done today from your house!
Do a quick warm-up and then set your timer for 20 minutes. Start with two reps of each exercise and after completing each round, tack on two extra reps. Get through as many rounds as you can during the twenty minutes.
1.Push-ups (from wall, knees, toes)
2. Mountain climbers (each rep counts as two knees in)
3. Superman
4. Triceps push-ups
5.Squats/ Squat Jump
Please remember that if you poop out earlier, that's fine, just do your best and push your hardest!
Have a great Wednesday everyone!